I LOVE this. It is what I aspire to. It is divine & adorable & delicious & whimsy, whimsy, whimsy.
So, here I am, reading blogs, vegetating while Olive naps when I really should be:
- finally cleaning my sewing machine in anticipation of : a) making Olive diapers (yes, it's true! they are going to be fabulous!), b) making Etta her birthday crown, c) making Etta a birthday baby, d) making Olive a tumble mat for beside her futon to replace the folded up ancient comforter that currently resides there for that purpose.
- doing some yoga. I am so woefully out of shape that my once weekly trip to kneel at my yoga teachers feet is just a joke (hamstrings - so, so tight. abdominal muscles, what?).
- planting the beautiful plants that our good friend Terry brought us from her gorgeous garden.
- then there is the cleaning. But we won't go there.
Why am I doing this? Because Olive woke up at 6 AM after waking up about 6 times last night. When, oh when will I ever sleep again?
So. Off I go!
Oh yeah, gonna wear my skin tight hot pink feminist t-shirt today and nuture my baby at the same time. Yo, I'm a rebel.
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