Ah, my very first mama's day was divine!
I slept in, then big D. brought in the little monkey for some snuggle time, then while Olive had her morning nap we drank coffee and read the Saturday Globe & Mail (whose new redesign I do not enjoy at all). Interesting book reviews on mothering and feminism. It all just irks me a bit - I am a staunch feminist and proud mama - why do you want me to work full time as well? Oi! I think that the most political thing I can do is raise my own children.
Oh yeah, then we packed a picnic lunch (bagette, goat cheese, roast chicken, raw veggies & hummous, pita, dried morrocan olives) and headed out to meet our sweet friends Jana, Cameron and Etta Mae at the Reifel Bird Sanctuary. Sun, squeezes, birds, and happy babes.
I love you my monkey. I love the way you smile at me - you glow. I love your snuggles and discoveries, thrilled with yourself that you can now waggle your tongue back and forth. You've brought more joy, more challenge into my life than I knew was possible. You rock my world Miss Olive. Thank you, thank you, thank you world for bringing me this girl. She is pure love.
"I think that the most political thing I can do is raise my own children"
Yes! Yes! Yes!
Happy belated mother's day
The whole being a real feminist means that you basically do it all (work, mother, be domestic, be a tom boy) really irks me too. And it also irks me that there is the idea that if you stay home and take care of your kids it makes you less of a feminist. What? Motherhood, like you said, can be and is totally political. I'm glad that at least some of us get it :)
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