Olive is not a sleeper.
From the beginning she didn't nap well unless she was on me or Doug. And from about 10 weeks on she has been waking frequently at night to nurse. She does not like the crib. She does not like rocking, shushing, cuddling or vibrating. She likes nursing and sleeping in contact with her mum and dad. I think that there was a brief moment in time when she had amazing naps and only woke up twice a night, but it was so long ago that I now question if it was in fact just a dream.
When Olive hit 6 months old I stopped fighting it. I cancelled my holds on sleep training books at the library, I put away the sleep logs, I tuned out the messages to let her cry it out. I let go of the myths, the pressure, the "shoulds". We brought her into bed with us full-time, with no plans to get her out. And since then she has been so much happier. And I don't feel as tired. And she's been napping for two hours in a row with no nursing back to sleep after half an hour (!). And she's been sleeping two or three hours at the beginning of the night, before she starts her waking every 1.5 hour stint.
And I've been knocking on wood.
Now it would appear she's regressing back to her old ways. Her "I need mummy all of the time" ways. And I think I'm okay. Because this is such a short time. And this is who she is.
So here's hoping for some sleep, and lots of peace.
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