Oy. Well, I feel like it's been a bit of a brutal year & I'm glad to see its backside. All of the Olive goodness has been divine, but there have been many, many challenges. In many ways I thought that this past year was going to break us, but here we are, battered & hopefully ready to make 2008 something better.
Big changes coming down the pipe:
- we're moving. It's a mixed move. It's a step in the right direction but not a final resting place. Mind you, who ever knows if where they're moving to is going to be their last home. I've always had this fantasy/picture in my mind of my adult home - it features lots of old hardwood, natural light, a fireplace, a big kitchen, a porch & a yard with room for a garden. And this dream is kind of making my reality a disappointment. Making me never satisfied with the here & now. Which is so true of so much of my life. Always looking for what is wrong, what isn't perfect, seldom appreciating what is truly great about right now.
So the other big change is me making a very significant effort to change my perspective on things. Because I can decide how I'm going to react to things, how to perceive what is happening around me. And I'm going to do my darndest to stay open & stop shutting down ideas just because they scare me.
Olive is as ever a hilarious monkey. She started hitting this week. We've got to nip that in the bud. She is wildly in love with Etta. She's started calling Doug & I "Mamadaddy" instead of "mama" & "daddy". Because we're one unit. She likes it when we hug. She says "nice". She doesn't want to go to sleep at night. She's probably not getting enough fresh air because the weather has been pure misery - sleet anyone? You just can't take a kid to the park in the sleet. She was really sick this month & it freaked us out. Her hair is so long we can make pony tails. She wants to put her own socks on. She says "oraninge" & "noyse" & sqrinches up her face all funny. She would only eat cookies & crackers if we let her. She yells "juice!" all of the time even though she's only had it watered down about two times. She rocks her baby dolls violently then lets them have a nurse on mama. She calls milk "some".
We're all just doing the best we can.
1 comment:
"mamadaddy" is adorable...and so postmodern!
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