Some recently finished objects - a lovely cashmere baby scrum helmet knit extra big in popsicle from handmaiden & an embellished black hoodie (Olive picked out the psychedelic kitty herself from an excellent local shop that closed :( ). I made the dark wool hat a few years ago for my niece, who has since regifted it back to my lassie. Who wants to read a book right now, so off I go.
Wednesday, October 24, 2007
Some recently finished objects - a lovely cashmere baby scrum helmet knit extra big in popsicle from handmaiden & an embellished black hoodie (Olive picked out the psychedelic kitty herself from an excellent local shop that closed :( ). I made the dark wool hat a few years ago for my niece, who has since regifted it back to my lassie. Who wants to read a book right now, so off I go.
Wednesday, October 17, 2007
Gobble that baby up
Olive started singing this week. We are routinely being reminded to bust out a little Baby Beluga ("Bay-bee! Bay-bee!") or The More We Get Together (with signs). It is sweetness personified. A growth spurt hit, causing her hair to grow so long that she now needs wee barrettes to hold her bangs out of her eyes. She is giving us huge hugs just as she falls asleep at night. She often wakes up in the morning exclaiming her need for a "booh! booh!" (book! book!) or "Dada?". She is beginning to respond to questions with eyebrow waggling & shifty eyes. She makes us laugh all of the time. She clings to my knees from behind if I try to cook or do the dishes. Her word for water is "ga". Everytime I hold her on my lap she asks for milk. She is rapidly turning into a little girl & I'm going to relish this wee bit of baby left, because I know that it won't be long before it is gone & she'll no longer want to be cuddled for hours on end. I want to gobble her up & keep her close to me forever.
Thursday, October 11, 2007
I! Can't! Believe! It!
Tuesday, October 9, 2007
Oh, these days there is much need for long walks & for singing "Baby Beluga" with Olive. We went for a 4 hour hike in the woods yesterday & it was a balm for my soul.
We have been on strike for 78 days. Our primary issues are around pay equity & rights for our part-time & auxilliary workers (who represent half of our workforce). Pay equity is a human right. We, as a primarily female workforce, are asking our employer to join with us in evaluating our jobs using a gender neutral model to establish if we are indeed earning less than equivalent jobs in male dominant workforces. Hmmm, in Ontario they have pay equity legislation & the librarians at Toronto Public Library make $7 an hour more than we do. B.C. is one of only two provinces to not have pay equity legislation. We went to a mediator last week, a man, who indicated that he was very supportive of our cause. His job was to return a set of recommendations that reflected a fair balance of the desires of our employer & the workers. Then the recommendations came back & we were all slapped in the face by the incredible injustice of them. He made every effort to accomodate the employer & to split the workforce. He claims to have given us pay equity by giving the upper 40% of the workers an increase of one pay grade. I suppose that he expected us to turn on each other, to only care about ourselves. I feel surrounded by bastards. This city only cares about people with money, about making money, about spending money on completely ridiculous events like the Olympics. Why would they want to pay their workforce, who provide invaluable public services, fairly? Why would they give two hoots about affordable housing?
Thanks be for my sisters & brothers. When our bargaining committee recommended rejecting the mediators recommendations we cheered, hollered & cried. We banded together to say, "No, you greedy bastards, we will support each other until we receive a fair deal". We have to fight this, like we have to fight so much of what is wrong in this greedy, dirty, dead-end world. How else can I raise Olive? I have to believe that we can fight this, that we can become sustainable, inclusive, caring.
Naomi Klein came to the line on Friday, but I missed it due to a wee sleeping babe. Here it is. Can't wait to read the book.
Hold on sisters & brothers. Hold on. I'm with you.
We have been on strike for 78 days. Our primary issues are around pay equity & rights for our part-time & auxilliary workers (who represent half of our workforce). Pay equity is a human right. We, as a primarily female workforce, are asking our employer to join with us in evaluating our jobs using a gender neutral model to establish if we are indeed earning less than equivalent jobs in male dominant workforces. Hmmm, in Ontario they have pay equity legislation & the librarians at Toronto Public Library make $7 an hour more than we do. B.C. is one of only two provinces to not have pay equity legislation. We went to a mediator last week, a man, who indicated that he was very supportive of our cause. His job was to return a set of recommendations that reflected a fair balance of the desires of our employer & the workers. Then the recommendations came back & we were all slapped in the face by the incredible injustice of them. He made every effort to accomodate the employer & to split the workforce. He claims to have given us pay equity by giving the upper 40% of the workers an increase of one pay grade. I suppose that he expected us to turn on each other, to only care about ourselves. I feel surrounded by bastards. This city only cares about people with money, about making money, about spending money on completely ridiculous events like the Olympics. Why would they want to pay their workforce, who provide invaluable public services, fairly? Why would they give two hoots about affordable housing?
Thanks be for my sisters & brothers. When our bargaining committee recommended rejecting the mediators recommendations we cheered, hollered & cried. We banded together to say, "No, you greedy bastards, we will support each other until we receive a fair deal". We have to fight this, like we have to fight so much of what is wrong in this greedy, dirty, dead-end world. How else can I raise Olive? I have to believe that we can fight this, that we can become sustainable, inclusive, caring.
Naomi Klein came to the line on Friday, but I missed it due to a wee sleeping babe. Here it is. Can't wait to read the book.
Hold on sisters & brothers. Hold on. I'm with you.
Monday, October 1, 2007
Feeling like it's all too much
I just feel like crying today. I am feeling overwhelmed. I got cranky with the girls this morning - I find it really challenging to find a balance these days. I'm taking care of the two babes 3 days a week, picketing 20 hours a week, leaving only 1 day that doesn't involve 2 babies or walking around in the rain with a picket sign on. Olive has a cold (the 2nd this month) & is getting her bottom molars. She wants to nurse all night & my nipples hurt because she has to pop off to breathe, then latch back on & if I try to roll away to sleep she cries. Big D has been sick for 2.5 weeks & he hates his job(s). The house is a pigsty all of the time because it is too small & I can't get anything done when both girls are here because they want/need almost constant attention & watching. Someone is always crying or wanting a book read. I want to play but then I look around at the mess. My kitchen floor is caked with food. The bathroom is filthy. The laundry is half done. We are out of milk & cream. Olive has a yeast diaper rash that I refuse to treat with chemicals. I say 'no' a million times a day (no coming in the bathroom when I'm scrubbing a poopy diaper in the toilet, no tearing the books off of the grown-up bookshelf, no touching the diaper pail). I feel totally disrespected by my employer. I get almost no time to myself. Olive & Etta hardly nap. There are no breaks. And when there are the last thing that I want to do is clean up. I am exhausted. I spend no real time with my husband. I sit on the couch eating chocolate, watching TV & knitting when I get that precious hour or two to myself at the end of the day. I don't know how to make things easier. Should I hire a maid? With what, my strike pay????????? We live in a temporary house. Should we move? Should we mortgage ourselves up to our eyeballs to buy a tiny apartment?
Sigh. And I read other people's blogs & I think, how can their lives be so perfect? How do they do it? Nourish their kids & themselves & their relationships, keep the house clean, make money, be creative, write their blogs?
I am going to yoga tonight. That's what cans of soup are for.
Sigh. And I read other people's blogs & I think, how can their lives be so perfect? How do they do it? Nourish their kids & themselves & their relationships, keep the house clean, make money, be creative, write their blogs?
I am going to yoga tonight. That's what cans of soup are for.
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