Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Scenes from our lives

This is what our days look like. Olive dragging around her wad of yarn (once it was seperate balls - now it is her yarn wad. I don't care as long as she a) doesn't accidently throttle herself & b) doesn't unravel my current projects). Me stuck in my pjs for much of the morning. Showering is tough with 2. They like to eat the soap. (We're changing Baby DeeDee's diaper. Baby DeeDee is from Bamboletta - such a beautiful birthday present!). Olive's crazy awesome hair. Etta Mae, constantly looking at books (I love this picture so much). These girls are big into books - hmmm, does that make me feel good Ms. Children's Librarian? Olive sifting through her clean, folded laundry. Because what else are neatly folded piles for? And finally, lounging in the bedroom. Whenever I can't immediately find one of the girls, I know where they'll be - laying around on the beds, looking at books. And yes, that is a non-homemade stuffy. One. That she, of course, LOVES.

1 comment:

brie said...

I know that looking after two young girls is hard work...but it is freaking adorable hard work!!!

Olive's hair is pretty much the best thing that I have seen all day.