My intention is to shift this blog from an angsty mummy blog to more of a crafty blog. Or perhaps a happy blend of the two. I'm constantly being inspired by the amazing work I see around me, and I think, hey gal, what's stopping you? In part it is the teeny tiny house - no room to leave the sewing machine set up, plus marauding toddlers who would love nothing more than to scatter buttons & needles to the four winds. Choking? Punctured internal organs? Oy. Perhaps I should stick to knitting (they only occasionally poke each other in the eye & let's face it, knitting needles are relatively blunt), embroidery & handsewing.
Other obstacles to my desire to craft/craft-blog? Caring for two babies/toddlers all day, followed by Olive deciding that bedtime only happens around 9pm these days. Oh yeah, & they're only napping when I push them around the neighbourhood, often for hours. Do you know how much it rains here in the winter? A husband I'd actually like to spend alone time with before we're in our eighties. Picket duty. Maybe one day my real job again (I miss you real job! I can't wait to see you again!). A rusty ol' computer (you've been so good to us, but the time is fast approaching for a new, zippier friend) that takes FOREVER to upload photos. A need to upgrade my flickr account.
I think that is the extent of my current excuses. Feels good to get it off my chest.
And so I bring you an image of Olive & her daddy at the lake on her birthday. No crafting, just a beautiful stormy sky.
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