I miss my friends. (So I'm going to make a real effort to reconnect with them because it will make me feel good).
I am feeling weepy these days. (Maybe I should sit down and just have a good cry).
I am almost constantly challenged (but doing a great job!).
I want some balance in my life. I am so tired of worrying about stupid shit like whether Olive's teeth are going to rot out of her head because we sometimes forget to brush her teeth, and when we do it's not very well because she doesn't really like it. Like, hello, maybe they will, maybe they won't - what are you going to do? (I have hardly any cavities and I only ever brushed once a day throughout childhood and I drank slurpees all of the time, Doug didn't go to the dentist for years and remained cavity free - perhaps she has our enamel).
I want to plan our summer trip and not worry about how hellish sleep might be in a tent (nothing a little beer and fresh air can't cure).
Yeah. Oh, and I want some new clothes and I'm going to buy some even though they will probably just get covered in stains and goo and we can't really afford it. (Because, fuck it, I might as well look good under the globs of banana).
I hate my hair. It is a giant helmet of coarseness. I also don't enjoy my hairdresser. (I'm going to cut my own hair. And if it looks bad, I look really cute with a pixie cut).
I'm going to start inviting people over in the evenings because I'm sick of being a hermit. (If Olive doesn't sleep, at least she'll learn that parties are fun!)
I'm going to establish boundaries with the babies because sometimes, I feel like my lifeforce is being sucked from my body and by the end of the day the only thing that perks me up is a glass of wine, a good book and some dessert. (Chocolate and wine are antioxidants. Babies need boundaries).
I am really, really, really looking forward to going to the first farmer's market of the season this afternoon!
Uh. Yeah. We're working on things. I love you friends.
Kristy...I'm usually around most Monday evenings...or Friday evenings even. And soon Wednesdays. I'll even bring booze or chocolate.
If you're not busy tomorrow evening, you should come watch us play softball (we're only at 33rd and Knight - Kensington Park SE).
I need a haircut too.
Oh darlin'.
Just made a haircut appt myself. I told myself long long ago that sometimes a haircut or a new shirt that you can't afford is REALLY WORTH IT. Gotta feel like a woman too, amidst the banana glop and milk stains.
Hey, I remember you said you were into no-sulphite-reds... any recommendations?
Went for a long walk and ballhuck at Trout Lake and didn't feel the need to hand out a single business card or free pass - very liberating!!!
You gotta do what works, while it works. When it doesn't work anymore, then change. I'm in the middle of feeding Carmen a Kraft Cheese slice. It's not organic and even comes encased in plastic - but she'll EAT IT. And... I'll probably forget to brush her teeth too.
It helps to have someone guide you through the rewiring process. Ask Mary D. to refer you to the other Mary D. It's worth the wait.
Speaking of hair, I'm pretty sure that I'm letting Sylvia have a go at my head with am electric shaver this weekend. So don't freak out if most of my hair is gone next time I see you. Love you too too.
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