Freaking adorableness abounds chez nous these days. Olive, struggling to crawl, to walk, to get mobile, is spending nap time rolling off her futon to play. We were finding her lying belly down on the floor perusing her books. So we moved the books out of her room. Yesterday I found her by the door trying to get the garbage can full of poopy wipes open. Today she spent an hour (inbetween nursing with mum) using all of her considerable 10 month old dexterity to get that blasted dresser drawer open. Thank the gods that dresser weighs a million pounds and the drawers are sticky and impossible to open one-handed. Inconvenient for mummy? Yes. Safer for Olive? Definitely. And when she's discovered, red-handed, what does she do? Flash her 4-toothed mega-watt grin as if to say "Mama, what did you really think I was going to do when there is so much to discover?"
In utter frustration after an hour of trying to get her to sleep yesterday afternoon I strapped her into her stroller, made a little cave of receiving blankets and started walking. Little miss put her hands behind her head, kicked back and was snoozing before we'd walked 3 blocks. Hmmm, it seems that strapping her down is now the only option. Good thing the weather is gorgeous - mummy needs some exercise anyways.
Olive wearing Claire's hair.
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