Thursday, April 12, 2007


We ran away this weekend. On the spur of the moment I lost it and decided that I needed my mama, so we loaded the monkey into the car and drove up to K-town. And I almost fell asleep driving. Can I say that passing semis doing 120 on a highway without lines while fighting sleep with my precious baby and husband in the back seat FREAKED ME OUT?

Then Doug and my mum staged a sleep intervention. Like for an alcoholic or addict, but instead for me, a sleep deprived mummy who believes that the only way to be a good mama is to gut oneself to the point of complete physical and emotional destruction. Let's just say that there was weeping and angst and little bit of tough love, but I'm feeling better and ready to commit to change.

So, we're going to teach Olive how to put herself back to sleep. We're not going to make her cry it out, but there will probably be some tears on both our parts (while being cuddled, loved and patted). And we'll have to stop most of our co-sleeping. And I'll have to give up all of that precious cuddly baby time (but hey, we'll do more during the day!). I feel like my brain and body are dying. Hopefully, I'll get some sleep soon, because I'm worth it.

For now she is getting her two top teeth, so I'm still on constant boob patrol and so tired, so very very tired, that I can't manage to do much of anything beyond cuddling my baby or trolling the internet. Thank God for husbands who cook and clean.

Off to lie down with a cup of sleepy tea. I'll post photos again one day.

1 comment:

Jessie at LunaPacifica said...

Its as if you took a page out of my blog! My dear babe Autumn is in the midst of attaining her front teeth and I am feeling as though shirts are not required to be worn at this point :-) Sleep is getting a bit better as we finally broke down and bought Ibuprofen. Still in the same bed. Still with boob in mouth.