We're off to the cabin, to peace, to quiet, to reconnection and to celebrate Olive's first birthday. We don't know how long we'll be gone, we don't where all we'll be going. We're keeping it loose.
Last year at this time we found out that Olive was breach and we went into a frenzy of trying to turn her (lying upside down on an ironing board for hours, acupuncture, moxibustion, chiropractics, singing, begging, ECV...) and she refused. Our little monkey was born at 8:32 am on July 19th, 2006 by C-section in a glaring operating room (oh, I still mourn the loss of our peaceful homebirth). At 8:32 am this year I'll cuddle my sweet baby on the beach and remember what has been the craziest, best year of our lives. Yay baby Olive, mummy and daddy love you soooooooo much.
ohhhhhhhh Olive is such a cute name!!! ;)
Enjoy your retreat and Olive's birthday and your BIRTH day! I think moms should celebrate too!
Love the belly shot :)
Carmen and I look forward to sharing some swingset time with you guys soon, with lots of great cabin stories.
happy birthday on the 19th to all three of you!
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