Okay, so we're nursing to sleep at naptime and Olive is nodding off, eyes rolled back in her head, well on her way to dream land, when boom! she pikes, pulls off the boob while sucking in a rattling Vader breath, which she then expels with an "eye-yeeeeeeeeeeeeee!" topped with a giant raspberry, a grin, and a return to the boob.
I tell you, this kid, she is funny.
My yarn is ready! My yarn is ready! Picture tap dancing mice traipsing across my heart. Yee. haw.
This is what I call funny, yo. In a grown up way.
I love Tracy Morgan. And I love that video. So great.
I'm thinking...once this school crapola is through I wanna come see you and the babe. Also, having just read your desire for a post-baby booze up with Simone I am going to impose myself on that venture as well.
I cannot wait until the semester is over.......!!!!!!!
Brie, we'd LOVE to have you over or hook up on Main for some good times post semester. I'll even happily listen to you go on and on about library school because I understand.
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