We walked to our stroller fitness class today in spite of the rain, and once again I misjudged the weather. We ended up getting home soaked, freezing and tired - but Olive was magically happy once we were inside, and we spent some time exploring the wonders of a lid (a lid! it's so chewy!) inbetween bites of lunch (only cold foods these days to soothe those sore gums).
Then we laid in bed and nursed and played her new favourite game. Olive covers her face with her Northern Lights blanket and looks at the light shining through while wiggling her hands and hyperventilating. Then she pulls down the blanket and looks over at me with a giant grin of delight on her face. Then she nurses. Then we start all over again.
This fascination with points of light makes me think that maybe she'll be an astronomer. Or maybe she'll just really love laying in the dark and looking up at the stars.
I'm kind of torn on the whole Valentine's Day front - one part of me thinks it's a crock of poo pseudo-holiday designed by card companies to make money, and the other part of me thinks about how fun it was as a kid to make cookies and Valentines and to tell people how much you loved them.
So today, I am thankful for my thoughtful, loving, smartass, selfless husband who always supports and loves me. And for our beautiful little monkey, who amazes us more everyday as she continues to blossom.
ha. found you!! Why Chickenbaby? In what way is Chicken relevant? just curious.
Chicken is for the chicken mobile that Olive loves - we say "Good Morning Chicken" every morning, and give it a bat so that it spins around.
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